Monday, 9 March 2015

2/18/15 - Chinese New Year: Seoul Day 2

SEOUL DAY 2: (I realized that posting photos with captions is probably the best way to recap our days, so let's give that a try. Because what's stylistic continuity anyway?)
(And I thought the Hong Kong MTR was intricate. Shhhh, don't say anything about the TTC.)
Our first trip: Sinsol-dong to Gyeongbokgung
Gyeongbokgung palace from outside the walls. Hard to believe this is in the middle of a city.
Caught the changing of the guards, which made my inner Tour Leader squeal with excitement just a little bit!

In front of one of the gates - it hovered around 0°C the whole time, so we had to bundle up (almost as if we were home). That toque and jacket are borrowed - thanks Angela!
The view from right outside the main gates: the bustling Seoul everyone knows and loves
"Hoduguaja", or little walnut-shaped cakes made of waffle batter and filled with sweet bean paste. I've had these back home in Toronto, and apparently they're legit because these were just as good!
Found ourselves in a Starbucks to warm up and I DEFINITELY just found my new favourite hot drink:
Steamed soymilk + 1 shot of vanilla = a drink that tastes like shortbread and a very happy Ana
After the palace we decided to have a bit of a wander around the general area. Then we found this little river running right through the sidewalk!

There were even stepping stones so you could cross and stay dry :)
This pretty much sums up my constant mood for all of 2015 thus far. So happy, so lucky, and so grateful.

Came upon this intersection and suddenly the boys' cameras came out. Chris went to photograph the architecturally cool building on the right, and Nathan beelined it to the McDonalds :P
Nathan took this awesome photo of the specialty burgers on the McDonalds menu that you can't find at home. 
On our loop back to the palace subway we passed by some prominent monuments. This is Admiral Yi Sun-Shin
Behind him, closer to the palace and the mountains sat King Sejong
There was also a small collection of ancient instruments in front of King Sejong - here's an ancient sundial!

Around then is when my camera battery died, so all the upcoming photos are either from my phone (low-quality) or are Nathan and Chris' pictures (the beautiful ones). Until Day 3! 

Today's Little Thing, Happy Thing: Having friends from around the world - especially the places we're visiting. For example this night we went to a restaurant for dinner, and ordered drinks by kind of just pointing at whatever on the menu. When they did arrive though we were super curious about what we had just gotten, so I was able to take a picture and send it to our friend Soo Mi asking what it was, and she was able to let us know before we had even opened a single bottle! 

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