Tuesday, 10 March 2015

So WHY "Little Things, Happy Things" Anyway?

“Hi I’m Ana, A-N-A Ana!”

That, according to my mom, was how at 3 years old I introduced myself to my preschool teachers for the very first time. In the 17 or so years since, parents and I will often joke about that before any First Day of mine. First Day of First Grade, First Day of School in Canada, First Day of High School, First Day of First Year University, First Day at [Insert New Job Here], and most recently, First Day of Exchange in Hong Kong. Though I no longer actually use those exact words when introducing myself to new people, I’ve come to realize that First Days have often proven easier for me than others – mostly because I’m not afraid to just pick a person and start a conversation.

I’ve always had my dad’s outgoing nature, but in all honesty it wasn’t until I started doing martial arts at around 8 years old that I found the confidence to actually do anything with it. By then I was old enough to have outgrown a young child’s careless abandon, but was still young enough that the full-blown teenage girl insecurities hadn’t yet been able to set in. Over the years my instructors, friends, family members, role models, and even students in each martial arts school I’ve been a part of have cemented in me the value of constantly challenging myself while maintaining a strong sense of self-confidence. I think that confidence first came through my physical abilities, which then spread into being able to introduce myself to adult strangers like waitresses at restaurants, or clerks behind desks. From there, I’m pretty sure it has just snowballed.  

Confidence wasn’t the only thing martial arts instilled in me. It was probably my first instructor, Mr. Williams, who first introduced to me the concept of being a “Good-Finder”. Even as a kid I understood that the term ‘good-finder’ was just another word for ‘optimist’, but I have always loved the implications behind that particular word choice. A person who doesn’t feel entitled to happiness all the time, and instead actively tries to ‘find good’ in situations is the type of person I greatly admire, and a person I really do try to be.

Over the years, that optimism and outgoing nature have helped me come to realize that I’m not just extroverted; I’m extremely extroverted. Being around people invigorates me, and I could never tire of it. Sometimes when people ask me why I’m so outgoing I’ll respond with something along the lines of “Because I find other people so much more interesting than me!” but it’s often only half a joke. I love it when people feel comfortable sharing parts of themselves with me, even if it’s just a few minutes of their day for some small talk and to quickly catch up. If I’m cooped up and alone somewhere for too long I can actually feel my mood take a downturn my motivation levels drop. In the least creepy way possible, I really do feed off of others, especially people I don’t (yet) know very well, which is why coming on exchange has been one of the best things I’ve ever done for myself. Everything is new, and there are so many new people to interact with completely different backgrounds that I’m falling in love with it here more and more every day. I refuse to let myself forget what I now think will be unforgettable, which is why we’re here, on my blog. Since my First Day in Hong Kong, I’ve been trying to make it a point to write down and preserve memories that I can already look forward to looking back on.

But still, why “Little Things, Happy Things”? Good question, dear reader. One more story before I go. After my grandmother died when I was 6, my whole family was having a pretty rough time but I remember my Tita Trish showing me a ‘Thank You Journal’ that she had been keeping. The basic premise of it was that instead of writing down everything you had done, you instead made a list of things you were thankful for from that day. It was her way of remembering to not only stay positive during trying times, but to be aware of and grateful for anything that makes you happy, even if they’re little things. I started my own Thank You Journal then, and although I didn’t really keep it up, that mindset really stuck with me. I know that big events and super exciting things will be very hard to forget, but I tend to make it a point to also try and remember the seemingly unimportant moments that bring me joy too. Thus, Little Things, Happy Things became part of my daily mindset.

Before I came to Hong Kong, I knew I wanted to find a way to record my adventures and still be able to share them with whoever was interested. Then, before starting this blog I knew I wanted to have some recurring aspect to connect each post, and the idea of incorporating my Little Things, Happy Things instantly came to mind. So here I am, keeping track of the huge highlights of my studies, travels, and everything in between while still making it a point to be grateful for the Little Things, Happy Things that are also making my life right now awesome.  

I have a bunch of posts that would take some time to read through entirely, but here are some that I’d pick out as most noteworthy:
A List of Little Things, Happy Things

Today's Little Thing, Happy Thing: Being exactly 12 hours ahead of my home timezone. I have a lot of fellow exchange students here whose family and friends back home are in a timezone that makes for weirdly timed calls home, but because Toronto is exactly 12 hours behind Hong Kong I never have to worry about potentially waking up my family or disrupting their own daily schedules. That also means that when I'm up entirely too late at night, there are always friends back at home that I can chat with if need be :) 

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