Monday 12 January 2015

1/12/15 - Rainy Monday

Somebody remind me to check the weather every day, okay?
This morning I forgot to, only to be greeted with pouring rain after my first class and no hood on my Queen's jacket to speak of. It often takes more than a little rain to get me down, but by the end of the day I had been rained on like four times and felt a cold coming on, so I was ready for some dry clothes and my warm bed. 

Here's a list of what I do to make myself feel better when I'm feeling almost-sick and don't want to deal with the world:
- Instant noodles/soup of any kind
- Tea 
- Orange Juice
- Chocolate
- Netflix and my headphones
- A comfy sweater with a hood. (Thanks DEVS DSC!) 

Not the most exciting Monday, but who promised every day would be super exciting? I'm comfy, so I'm not complaining :) 

Today's Little Thing, Happy Thing: My friend Christian. Christian's this lovely Dutch boy who lives in the residence next to me, so we often run into each other at bus stops on the way to and from campus. I've never seen this kid without a smile on his face and something happy to talk about - it's like he's a living ray of sunshine. Thanks for brightening my otherwise wet and rainy day!! 

Have to do laundry tomorrow. Wish me luck. 

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