Sunday, 25 January 2015

1/24/15 - Monkeys, Monkeys, Everywhere!

If semi-weekly hikes are going to become a thing while I'm here on exchange, you won't be hearing any complaints from me! This week, one of the local girls in my suite offered to take us on a hike to go see some monkeys, so we set out Saturday morning. A small group of us took the MTR to Tsuen Wan to meet up with Eugenia, and all together we hopped on a bus toward the park! Here are some of my favourite pictures from the day:

Heads up: There are a LOT of pictures in this post, prepare to scroll! 

You could see monkeys as soon as you got off the bus - this one was sitting on the handrail of the entrance stairs!  
Overseeing the visitors entering their neighbourhood
On the trail around the Kowloon Reservoir we found a cool little cove-thing that just had to be explored.
Inside the cove. Although it was kind of cloudy today, the skies and horizons were still stunning.

Naturally I found rocks by the water's edge and had to climb all over them like a 7 year-old. In some ways I really haven't changed at all, I just have a camera now.

What's the fastest way to get Ana to explore a desolate trench? 
Turns out the trenches were a set of tunnels and bunkers that were constructed to protect important trade routes from northern attacks. Now that the threat of attack is gone, the tunnels have been abandoned. The top of these doorways were no more than 3.5 feet off the ground so you really had to crouch to get in. 
You could see a lot of these kinds of posters plastered into the walls of some of the bunkers. We clearly weren't the first ones here.

The monkeys were really comfortable having people around, but if you got too close and didn't have food they'd start to get nervous. If you got close and DID have food around, the good luck to you because they'd be all over you... but not in a cute cuddly way.
If you thought I wasn't going to take a selfie with a monkey then you are poorly poorly mistaken. 
I'm so in love with the hillside textures here, and they definitely aren't hard to come by.

Probably my favourite shot of the day. His little one was so comfortable doing his own thing and he actually let me get pretty close. 

As it turns out, Saturday afternoons are a great time to relax for all of the animal kingdom.

Today's Little Thing, Happy Thing: The Chinese-Russian guy named Ivan who owned the bar we went to on Saturday night. When you're a new customer he'll take you and your friends into his freezer to pick out whatever bottle of vodka you'd like. Turns out his freezer is covered with a mural and he knows just how to play with perspective in such a little space. When we told him that we're from Canada he took our picture and excitedly told us that "It's like [we're] back home!"
I'd have added more cool perspective photos with Nathan too, but somebody (Chris) accidentally deleted them off their phone before backing it up... oops.

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