Sunday 11 January 2015

1/8/15 "This is really my syllabus?" & Pub Crawl Thursday

My main class on Thursdays is GLBS 3301: Global Issues Through Movies. Walking into the room I was already expecting an interesting class with cool discussion topics, but this syllabus is nothing like I could have hoped for. The courses' discussions will touch on everything from interpretations of country identities and debates surrounding globalization, to UN peacekeeping and drug trafficking. We're looking at different portrayals of global issues through the medium of films, but my professor really did surprise me with some of his movie selections.
Here's what I'll be watching as part of my homework (!!!):
- Wag the Dog (1997)
- Watchmen (2009)
- Charlie Wilson's War (2007)
- Black Hawk Down (2002)
- Team America World Police (2004)
- No Man's Land (2001)
- The Reluctant Fundamentalist (2012)
- Zero Dark Thirty (2012)
- Inside Job (2010)
- Tropic Thunder (2008)
- Lord of War (2005)
- One Tree, Three Lives (2012)

I've not seen a lot of these movies, so I'm really looking forward to seeing them under this context for an actual CLASS! If you ever hear me say that I don't like what I'm studying, swiftly remind me that I'm lying.

Thursday was also a Pub Crawl night down in LKF, which was a great time all around. I thought better than to take my big camera this evening though, so unfortunately I don't have any pictures. The cab didn't get back to campus until 3:30 so I was more than ready for bed once back in my room :)

Today's Little Thing Happy Thing: The sidewalks and walkways in Hong Kong. There are so many different textures on the pavements here, and they feel fun to walk on. It makes being a pedestrian is so much more of an interactive experience!

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